With record-breaking sales in January, February, and March, 2015 is shaping up to be another successful year!

Most Popular Artists So Far: Floro Espanca (Virginia Beach), Newsroom (Southern Pines), and Jacar (Columbia)

Most Popular New Artist: Newsroom (Southern Pines)

Top Albums So Far:

  1. Dark Tears by Floro Espanca
  2. Bouser by Newsroom
  3. Lusiad Lyric by Jacar
  4. Nova Berna by Malcolm’s Mercy
  5. Sure Sacrifice by Rye
  6. Monday Morals by Bill Barbour
  7. Redencin by Jefe Esteban
  8. L’Alegro by J.M.
  9. Look Homeward by Evi Rock
  10. Another Reality by Pereira


2014 was another year of growth for Play On, with sales rising to 1.2 million albums.

Most Popular Play On Artists: Lazuli Lapse (Durham), The Cliftons (Athens), and Floro Espanca (Virginia Beach)

Most Popular New Artist: Sarath (Memphis)

Top Albums

  1. Curie by Lazuli Lapse
  2. Finer Romances by The Cliftons
  3. Castle of Despair by Floro Espanca
  4. Abandonada by Laura Esqui
  5. Diyasena by Sarath
  1. Rope of Roses by Tita
  2. Commercial Caravan by Argolid Ascent
  3. Woodblock Wretch by Red Treasure
  4. Alchemical Attack by Djenn
  5. Written Women by Sorken


Play On sold 1 million albums this year, making it our most successful year since the company was founded.

Most Popular Play On Artists: Red Treasure (Atlanta), Lazuli Lapse (Durham), and Woodland Essence (Asheville)

Most Popular New Artist: Floro Espanca (Virginia Beach)

Top Albums

  1. Printed Poison by Red Treasure
  2. Ode to Kirpal by Lazuli Lapse
  3. Palace of Winds by Woodland Essence
  4. Saccharin Tears by The Woodlings
  5. Testigo de Paz by Siempre Fiel
  1. Book of Magic by Floro Espanca
  2. Shadow Hunt by Eliza Jelinek
  3. Graduated by East Wind
  4. Citation Needed by The Commoners
  5. Lion Skin by Born of Enki
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